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WB48T10063 Oven Rack Replacement Compatible with GE General Electric Range Stove Budora

Brand New

MSRP is a sample online retail price.


Last Update:

10/09/2024, 6:21 AM EST

Item Information


MSRP is a sample online retail price.

Brand New
This oven rack is a replacement part located inside the oven cavity that serves as a support structure that allows you to place baking sheets, pans, and other cookware at different levels within the oven. The oven rack ensures even heat distribution during the cooking process, allowing for uniform baking and roasting. The oven rack is designed to be durable and heat-resistant, making it suitable for high-temperature cooking. Measurements: Depth 24 inches Width 17 inches This part fixes the following symptoms: Bent, warped, or damaged rack structure Difficulty in sliding the rack in and out of the oven Uneven cooking or browning of food Inability to properly position or adjust the rack levels Excessive wear or rust on the rack Compatible Model Numbers:JB250DF1BB JB250DF2BB JB250DF2CC JB250DF2WW JB250DF3BB JB250DF3WW JB250DF4BB JB250DF4CC JB250DF4WW JB250DF5BB JB250DF5CC JB250DF5WW JB250DF6BB JB250DF6CC JB250DF6WW JB250DF7BB JB250DF7CC JB250DF7WW JB250GF2SA JB250GF3SA JB250GF4SA JB250GF5SA JB250GF6SA JB250GF7SA JB250RF2SS JB250RF3SS JB250RF4SS JB250RF5SS JB250RK1SS JB250RK2SS JB250RK3SS JB258DM1BB JB258DM1CC JB258DM1WW JB258GM1SA JB258RM1SS JB400DP1BB JB400DP1WW JB400DP2BB JB400DP2WW JB400DP3BB JB400DP3WW JB400DP4BB JB400DP4WW JB400DP5BB () JB400DP5WW () JB400DP6BB () JB400DP6WW () JB400SP1SS JB400SP2SS JB400SP3SS JB400SP4SS JB400SP5SS JB400SP6SS () JB400SP7SS () JB400SP8SS () JB620BR3WH () JB620BR4WH () JB620BR5WH () JB620DF2BB JB620DF2WW JB620DF4BB JB620DF4WW JB620DR1BB JB620DR1WW JB620DR2BB JB620DR2WW JB620DR3BB JB620DR3WW JB620DR4BB () JB620DR4WW () JB620DR5BB () JB620DR5WW () JB620GF2SA JB620GF4SA JB620GR1SA JB620GR2SA JB620GR3SA JB620GR4SA () JB620GR5SA () JB620RF2SS JB620RF4SS JB620SR1SS JB620SR2SS JB620SR3SS JB620SR4SS JB620SR5SS () JB620SR6SS () JB620SR7SS () JB625DK1BB JB625DK1WW JB625DK2BB JB625DK2WW JB625DK3BB JB625DK3WW JB625DK4BB JB625DK4WW JB625DK5BB JB625DK5WW JB625GK1SA JB625GK2SA JB625GK3SA JB625GK4SA JB625GK5SA JB625RK1SS JB625RK2SS JB625RK3SS JB625RK4SS JB625RK5SS JB630DF2BB JB630DF2WW JB630DF4BB JB630DF4WW JB630DF5BB JB630DF5WW JB630RF2SS JB630RF4SS JB630RF5SS JB640DF1BB JB640DF1CC JB640DF1WW JB640DF2BB JB640DF2CC JB640DF2WW JB640DF5BB JB640DF5CC JB640DF5WW JB640DF6BB JB640DF6CC JB640DF6WW JB640DIR1WW JB640DIR2WW JB640DIR3WW JB640DIR4BB () JB640DIR4WW JB640DIR5BB () JB640DIR5WW () JB640DIR6BB () JB640DIR6WW () JB640DP1BB JB640DP1CC JB640DP1WW JB640DR1BB JB640DR1CC 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PLEASE MESSAGE US ABOUT FITMENT! Disclaimer : Any use of the manufacturers brand name, part numbers or model designation for this product is made solely for purposes of demonstrating and for identification compatibility and are displayed for descriptive purposes only. Use of the Manufacturers trade names and logos are the registered trademarks of their respective owners. Use of them does not associated with, imply any affiliation or endorsement by any
Lot Code:
17.1 inches
0.7 inches
2.3 pounds
24.0 inches
Additional Info:
Brand New
Pickup Location:
967 Goodale Blvd, Columbus OH 43212
Auction Number

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